Closed Loop Clean Up: bioeXile & Greenlife Filter
- Industry: Personal Hygiene Products
- Application:Closed, Chilled Loop System
- Problem: Microbiological Issues, High Iron Levels and Inadequate Maintenance
- Solution: Get Clean, Keep Clean programme included Greenlife filtration, bioeXile-L, biocide and corrosion inhibitor.
- Results: Total dissolved Iron reduced from 20ppm to <1pmm in 3 months + Pseudomonas counts reduced from 20,000 to 1cfu/100 ml
The Client
A manufacturer of personal hygiene products had a closed, chilled loop of ~55 m3, providing process cooling to a number of plate heat exchangers and mixing vessels. The system suffered from longstanding microbiological issues, high iron levels and has been flushed previously in Summer 2018 by a different supplier, but not treated or maintained after this. In order to improve the condition of the system, the plan was to introduce bioeXile and circulate on-line, in conjunction with the installation of a by-pass filtration unit (Greenlife filter), before completing a balanced system flush, prior to application of corrosion inhibitor and biocide.
- Greenlife filtration unit installed initially with 50 micron bag
- bioeXile-L dosed
- System circulated for 6 hours
- MB4110 biocide added
- Water quality monitored during the next two weeks
- Filter bag size reduced to 5 micron
- System flushed for 48 hours
- Further additions of MB215
- CA52310 corrosion inhibitor applied
- Filters and magnetic bars showed significant build up after 48 hours.
- Pseudomonas counts dropped from 20,000 to 1 cfu/100 ml upon dosage of MB4110. SRB not detected.
- Pseudomonas level increases to >1,000,000 cfu/100 ml due to extended presence of bioeXile enabling biofilm removal. SRB present.
- Addition of MB215 reduces Pseudomonas count to ~20,000 cfu/100 ml. SRB present
- System flush reduces Total Iron Level from ~20 to 0.7 ppm and Pseudomonas to 6 cfu/100 ml & no SRB detected.
- On-going monitoring of inhibitor, corrosion rates and microbiological levels to ensure control retained.

Addressing Pseudomonas with bioeXile-L
On-line cleaning and system flush
- The system had several secondary loops, with many short dead-legs.
- Breakdown of the biofilm matrix by the bioexile-L released Pseudomonas bacteria and the anaerobic SRB.
- Initial dose of MB4110 saw Pseudomonas counts lowered to virtually zero but the condition of pipe-work and presence of areas of poor circulation enabled levels to increase.
- Further biocide additions and the subsequent system flush, significantly reduced Pseudomonas level, with SRB not detected.
- A combination of on-going filtration (Greenlife filter – 50 to 5 micron filters) and system flushing reduced the Total Iron levels from ~20 to <1 ppm.