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Priemyselná údržba

Od odmasťovačov cez údržbu budov a starostlivosť o vozidlá až po konvertory hrdze: naše priemyselné riešenia si poradia aj s tými najnáročnejšími údržbárskymi prácami.

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Postrehy z NCH Europe

Od najnovších správ a trendov v priemyselnej údržbe až po rady na údržbu vašej prevádzky. Zostaňte informovaní s našimi článkami zameranými na priemyselné firmy.

Ten ways to make industrial maintenance greener

Historically, industrial maintenance practices have been judged tough, dirty and often harmful to the environment.

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The importance of degreasing before disinfecting in your industrial facility

The COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic has changed how businesses think about disinfection.

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The Science of Sustainable Paint Stripping

Paint stripping is a common activity when redecorating a facility or keeping a paint production line clean or simply removing old paint from parts.

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Ticking Off the Hotel Maintenance Checklist

A hotel is a challenging building to maintain as it is an environment that needs to be very clean and well-kept.

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Why do maintenance chemical users overlook the simplest method to control cost?

As part of some recent product development activity, we undertook market research with customers who buy degreasers from competitor companies.

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Your Winter Maintenance Checklist. Top 10 Tips

Winter is coming. With weather patterns becoming more and more unpredictable it’s essential that maintenance teams prepare in advance for inclement conditions.

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Nenašli ste, čo ste potrebovali?

Pozrite sa na naše ďalšie oblasti použitia alebo kontaktujte náš tím a preberte s nami svoje potreby.

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Odborníci na údržbu budov, priemyselných závodov a gastronomických prevádzok.

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Odborníci na pokročilé technológie mazania už od roku 1948.

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Parts Cleaning

Globálny líder v umývaní dielov a príprave povrchu.

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