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Torrent DryBlast is perfect for fast removal of tough contaminants

Remove a range of surface residue, from paint and adhesives to wax, lacquer and much more to leave a clean surface finish.

Clean by impact with Torrent DryBlast

Combines heavy duty, dust free cleaning for even the most difficult soils; delivering perfect cleaning time after time, increasing productivity facilitated by outstanding visibility.

Torrent DryBlast cleans by impact, removing: carbon, rust, paint (not powder coating), lacquer, lime scale, ink and heavy soils. Solid contamination is rapidly removed with Torrent DryBlast due to high force impact of abrasive media from a pressurised chamber to increase the cleaning power.

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Your surface preparation parts cleaner

With a range of uses; Torrent DryBlast not only removes hard to clean contaminants including scale, but can also be used as part of a surface preparation process. Torrent DryBlast can be used as a pre-clean before using Torrent WetBlast to polish the newly cleaned surface.

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How easy is Torrent DryBlast to operate?

Operating a Torrent DryBlast is simple, quick and convenient for your business. Parts are loaded and cleaned, ready for use with ease. Take a look to see how the parts cleaner works.

See how Torrent DryBlast helps our customers

Using a range of abrasive media, find out how Torrent DryBlast removes rust, scale and contaminants from a range of substrates.

See Torrent DryBlast in action

Watch Torrent DryBlast quickly and easily clean contaminants from parts.



How clean does Torrent DryBlast get parts?

The results speak for themselves. Rust, scale dirt and build-up is removed from parts, leaving a clean finish as part of your surface preparation process, ready for paint or refinishing.

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Kullanım Alanları

Torrent DryBlast is the ideal parts cleaning choice for the removal of carbonised grease and oil in Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul applications (MRO) including:

  • Automotive
  • Rail
  • Marine
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Other applications include

  • Aerospace: removal of layers of paint (using plastic media). Aircraft braking / wheel maintenance NDT testing
  • Precision engineering: to degrease and key the surface prior to plating and anodising, mechanical deburring, removal of machining marks.
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Alternative products on the market

Are you getting the right support, service and expertise with your parts cleaner? Look out for common shortfalls with some providers.

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Reliability and aftersales

Low cost components making the machines unreliable and reputation for poor service.

Inexperienced staff

High turnover of staff, high pressure sales environment; forced close approach.

Limited expertise

Machine or chemical or service – rarely all three in combination.

Makine Özellikleri

Want to know more about Torrent DryBlast? Visit our product page for more details.

Front view of the Torrent DryBlast

Want to know more? Visit our dedicated machine product page or get in touch with our Parts Cleaning team for more information and a free quote.

Side and back view of the Torrent DryBlast

Want to know more? Visit our dedicated machine product page or get in touch with our Parts Cleaning team for more information and a free quote.

Bottom of Torrent DryBlast with foot operated pedal

Want to know more? Visit our dedicated machine product page or get in touch with our Parts Cleaning team for more information and a free quote.

Why choose Torrent DryBlast?

From performance to innovation, your parts cleaning needs are covered with solutions from NCH Europe.

  • Enhance your operational efficiency and gain productivity
  • Benefit from NCH expertise and dedicated service teams
  • Achieve a consistent, reliable, high performance clean with minimal operator input
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